Menopil Plus
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Menopil Plus Studies

Menopil Plus offers an alternative to hormone treatment which is often prescribed by doctors across the globe. The side-effects of hormonal treatment are however serious.

Please read the brief summary of ingredients included in Menopil Plus – the healthy, natural alternative.


  • Reduces severity of hot flashes
  • Stabilizes hormone levels and loss of bone mass
  • Reduces Vaginal Dryness
  • Decreases anxiety levels and depression

Red clover is a wild plant belonging to the legume family. Cattle and other animals graze on red clover. It has also been used medicinally to treat several conditions including cancer, whooping cough, respiratory problems, and skin inflammations, such as psoriasis and eczema. Health care practitioners believe that red clover “purified” the blood by acting as a diuretic (helping the body get rid of excess fluid) and expectorant (helping clear lungs of mucous), improving circulation, and helping cleanse the liver.

Red Clover (RC) has arisen as a popular source for women experiencing HF because it contains a variety of phytoestrogen’s, namely isoflavones, lignans and coumestans. Phytoestrogens are shown to have positive effects on menopausal disorders such as breast cancer, cardiovascular risk factors, osteoporosis and have been shown to exert non-hormonal antioxidant effects. Additionally, these isoflavones appear to reduce bone resorption, help maintain bone mineral density and improve lipid profile.

RC is particularly high in estrogenic isoflavones biochanin A, formononetin and to a lesser degree genistein and daidzein, although the two former are precursors to genistein and daidzein. Asian populations with a high intake of soy (rich in genistein and daidzein) have long shown a lower reported incidence of the symptoms of menopause.

In recent studies conducted it was shown that Red Clover extract may reduce the severity of hot flashes and can stabilize hormone levels and the rate of loss of bone mass.

The study was conducted by Danish Associate Professor, PhD, Per Bendix Jeppesen, who headed a new, as-yet-unpublished study at the Institute of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University Hospital.

In the study the following results were found:

The three-month treatment led to a 32-percent reduction in hot flashes and those that did occur were less severe. This is an average figure, i.e. some of the women had a 60-percent reduction, while others only had a 20-percent reduction.

The women who took the red clover extract experienced a slowdown of bone loss, while those who took the placebo displayed significant bone loss.

The women’s estrogens were better balanced, and that triggered fewer hot flashes.

In contrast to women treated with human oestrogens, the women in this study did not complain about side effects of their treatment.

Red-clover extract may help symptoms of vaginal dryness in healthy, postmenopausal women.

The finding comes from a study of 29 women who took a red-clover supplement. For eight weeks, half the women took the red clover supplement and half took an identical looking placebo. After a two-week washout period, the women switched treatments for another eight weeks.

When the women were taking the red clover supplement, they had less vaginal dryness. Estrogen does the same thing — but it also increases postmenopausal cancer risk by thickening the inner layer of the uterus. The red clover supplement did not have this effect.

One study conducted during 2009 also found that red clover significantly reduces anxiety and depression levels.


  • Reduces severity of hot flashes
  • Reduces frequency of hot flashes.

Black cohosh contains potent phytochemicals that have an effect on the endocrine system. How it works is not yet clear. It is widely used in the United States, Australia, and Germany. The German government has approved it as a prescription alternative to hormone therapy.

Black Cohosh has played a vital role in relieving symptoms endured by women during menopause. Whilst the exact working of Black Cohosh has not been established it has shown to be successful in relieving the severity of hot flashes.

In a study conducted in 2018, 80 women were randomly divided into 2 groups of 40. The one group was given a supplementation of Evening Primrose Oil and the other a supplementation of Black Cohosh Extract.

According to the results of this study, both black cohosh and primrose oil can be used as an effective alternative treatment in relieving of severity of hot flashes and improvement of quality of life in menopausal period, but it seems that black cohosh is more effective than primrose oil because it was able to reduce the number of hot flashes too.


  • Increases Libido & estrogen levels

During menopause, the loss of natural ovarian function often leads to the development of endocrine disorders, which ultimately lead to serious health consequences in women. During the menopausal transition, the synthesis of ovarian hormones, such as estrogen and progesterone progressively decrease, while the secretion of gonadotropic hormones, including follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) increase; consequently, menopausal symptoms prevail.

For thousands of years, Angelica Root (or dong quai) has mainly been turned to by women, as it has a unique ability to regulate oestrogen levels within the body. Whether you’re too high or too low in the oestrogen department, dong quai extracts and supplements can get your system back on track.

Studies have shown that dong quai in various forms can increase male and female libido levels.

According to studies Dong quai, due to its invigorating and arousing properties, has been linked with reducing depression and has also shown to increase bone density in menopausal women.


  • Reduces severity of hot flashes

Isoflavones are part of a group of plant-based chemicals called phytoestrogens. These chemicals act like a weaker form of estrogen in the body.

The main isoflavones in soy are genistein and daidzein. When you eat soy, bacteria in your intestines break it down into its more active forms.

Once in your body, soy isoflavones bind to the same receptors as estrogen. Receptors are like docking stations on the surface of cells. When isoflavones bind to some receptors, they mimic the effects of estrogen. When they bind to other receptors, they block estrogen’s effects.

When isoflavones mimic estrogen, they might help reduce hot flashes and other symptoms of menopause.


  • Reduces severity of hot flashes

ASU is a blended extract containing avocado and soy unsaponifiables. The proprietary blend consists of physterols from avocado and soy unsaponifiables, including beta-sitosterol, stigmasterol, and campesterol. 

Isoflavones are part of a group of plant-based chemicals called phytoestrogens. These chemicals act like a weaker form of estrogen in the body.

The main isoflavones in soy are genistein and daidzein.

Once in your body, soy isoflavones bind to the same receptors as estrogen. When isoflavones bind to these receptors, they mimic the effects of estrogen. When they bind to other receptors, they block estrogen’s effects.

When isoflavones mimic estrogen, they might help reduce hot flashes and other symptoms of menopause.